18 December 2018

Farewell party

After the retreat (8th/9th), I returned to work as usual, once in a while updating what is need for the upcoming company annual dinner and also preparing Christmas songs chords for this friday's Christmas/farewell party. On top of that, I was given a bunch of farewell videos from ex-cellgroup members and I was to compiled them into a single video. On wednesday, I went to the hotel where the annual dinner would be held to do some site measurements. I wanted to start on the farewell video that evening after work, but procrastination got the better of me. I finally worked on it when it already got so late, but the very least I've lined up all the videos and went to bed. I continued editing the video at work the next day, and suddenly simple ideas came to me while editing. I finished around dinner time, played a few round of games, then rendering the video before going to bed.
On Friday, I went down to Ruian around 11am, and finished in about an hour, I had lunch in the area then headed home to relax until the party.
At the party, we had Singaporean food, saw people I haven't seen in a while, had carolling and the farewell bits. I went home a little later and called a cab home.

The long awaited Saturday was here, but it somehow still felt like crap despite me finally having a free day to myself. I got out of bed really late, and played some video games, I didn't eat anything and there was no water in the house... Evening came, I headed out to my colleague's wedding dinner. Nothing much happen, I pretty much secluded myself from the rest of my colleague who was there even though we all sat on the same table, and just ate the food. The dinner ended around 8.30pm and so I headed home.
Woke up early on Sunday morning to go to church to serve in media, sermon was about suffering. Was invited to go lunch at an expensive place for final farewell and even though initially decided to go, but somehow I felt like I was warned so many times about how expensive it was thatI turned it down in the end. I had lunch inside the hotel instead before heading home. Spent the rest of the day pretty much playing monster hunter.

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