30 January 2018

The end of January

I feel some life has returned to be after being able to attend cell group after a long while. Life can be hard without good social interaction.
For this week, I was assigned a very tedious task of making a slideshow for my office. In the end, it was almost for nothing as the songs I picked wasn't used at all, and I pretty much had my colleagues go through the photos again, because the ones I had picked was no good, and we finished it before the annual dinner.
Currently, there's no work or event for me in the foreseeable future, perhaps I will have a chance to catch up on my own self improvement and take it easy in the office.

February is fast approaching and it is still wonderfully and painfully cold. It won't be long before Chinese New Year begins.

24 January 2018

3 Weeks of January

Rung in the new year at home. Work immediately got busy. I had to prepare floor plans and backdrop designs for a certain bank and their conference, it ran in 5 different cities within a single week.
Following that, my colleague assigned me to keep photo and video records of some makeup brand conference.
After that, my job involved working at a French jewelry dinner conference, and I had the chance to work with some French guys. They were really cool to work with.
Nothing happened out of the ordinary, I still had adequate amount of sleep and everything just went well. Work kept me away from cell group and church for a bit, so my need for some human social interaction is high. I miss yamcha.

22 January 2018

2018 Now, 2017 Gone

As 2018 begins, before I know it, it's already near the end of January. I thought I'd like to start blogging again to keep record of the events that happened around me.

As 2017 passed, I find myself unable to recall how the year went. What happened that year? It felt like a blur, as though time just fast forwarded from the last time I celebrate the previous New Year. I suppose the things that happened in 2017 weren't exciting nor worth remembering. #adultlife? Most of it were probably work related.. And I spent a huge amount of my free time wasting away on the internet, looking at memes, watched YouTube, played a couple of games here and there and watched anime. I also don't have a good social life despite being here, in Shanghai, for almost 3 years now.
In my Christian walk, I struggle the same struggle today yesterday, wondering when am I going to grow, hopefully this year will be different.

Trying to recap last year, my best friend got married and I went to his wedding. I came back home for about a week during Golden Week. That was sept/oct, November just went by and December came. Didn't really do much for Christmas either. I can't recall much of anything else, I thought it quite troubling..

Side note: I'm re-using this old blog because it's easier than making a new one. Will be updating some obsolete information since the last blog post was in 2013. This also means past post is made by younger Jeremy and may be cringeworthy to read. And it is certainly is much easier to blog now with the smartphone app.