15 October 2018

Mission failed again, is there a next time?

Change is tough.

Since the last blog, there was a few days of work before I flew back to KK again. I was given quite a bit of work to do.
Then I flew back to KK again on Sept 29th. To summarize my trip, I tried plenty of burgers, spent a lot of time with popo, brother had the mattresses specially cleaned, went to see choir with Ivan, played some switch games, some pokemon go here and there, and terrible dates. Went to see the dentist (no problems!), hung out with aaron and his wife, cooked tikka masala at home. I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary.

On the 9th, I returned Shanghai and things pick up too soon imo. Immediately, it was fashion week in XTD, a short runway show I was occupied with for 2 days, followed by RuiAn work which was too simple and had me coming over during the weekend.

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