10 July 2018

Forgetting again

Last week, was well...

Work as a whole was slow this week, there wasn't really much to do from Mon to Thu, I only remembered I compiled photos of recent events and sometimes draw plans of out warehouse. On Fri, outta nowhere I was told had to come earlier than usual because clients were coming over and I'm needed for standby. Our company was demonstrating different types of LED screens, seems they didn't test all the videos, some of them were not the right format and didn't play.

On Sat, there was a seminar at the church office, I arrived a little late. It was about being Unshaken, and the seminar center around the story of Joseph and his brothers, from the book of Genesis.

I spent a lot of my free time playing Ni No Kuni 2, I've just finished it but left out some endgame side quests which were a bit too demanding for items only obtainable by dungeon crawling very very deep inside.

Even after God delivered the Israelites from their enemies, they still forgot God.
Seems like I forgot my own advice in the last post. (I've forgotten many important things in life as well.) I spent too much time staring at screens. I have to be careful I don't regret anything before the year ends.

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