With January and Chinese new year behind me, the most uneventful rest of the year is all that's left until the next new year (or golden week). This is the time I fear the most as being the most unmemorable, unproductive, or uneventful. I can feel the warmth of spring approaching, a sign for the coming unbearable summer. I'm gonna miss winter.
It's been more than a week since I've returned, I expected work will get busy, but not for me I guess. There wasn't too much for me to do, but it wasn't painfully boring either. I worked up some courage to ask people out for dinner on an open weekday evening, but looks like the plan changed to today's dinner at a burger restaurant, that's fine, I'll get to catch up with some people I haven't seen in a while.
Friday's cellgroup was good, but I can somewhat feel like it's going to be a repeat of last year if I don't do anything about it. I want to go beyond being a cellgroup member with everyone. Instead of just meeting them once or twice a week, I seek for real, legit friendship. Can I really be friends with people with widely different interest and lifestyle to me? I'm going to try, but if that doesn't change, I seriously need to consider relocating, having good friends to journey with trumps over almost everything else in my life. It seriously sucks that I cannot make funny reference without anyone understanding. It's just one example, but I need a connection...
Even though I want to make this year different, it doesn't change the fact that my job is still unpredictable. This stops me from being able to book a vacation in advance, as job events might show up anytime. The most time I'll get is a month notice. By then, flights and accommodations are either fully booked or really expensive, but should I let this stop me from doing so though? I should seek some consultation...
Oh, I've been watching Laid Back Camp, camping looks really fun, it's been awhile since I last did it, I'm consider buying some camping gear...
I should go camping...