Ahh... victory is so sweet, i haven't tasted one since i played Okami, haha.
it took a whole week for me to finish "The Answer", P3:FES, P3 add-on. The game started off with Aigis, who inherited the Main Character's power, the power to hold multiple personas. It's ok i guess, except i'm only limited to use guns, which is pierce only attacks...
i reach to one point where the everyone of SEES were not in agreement and decided to fight for what they think it's right, because everyone has a key, and if all the keys were combined, it becomes a key to open the doors, one to the present, the other to the past. It was intense! i can't believe such friends with strong bonds were turned against each other, what a turn of event!
(Ak/Ke)Akihiko and Ken fights to move on to the present
(Yu/Mi)Yukari and Mitsuru fights to change the past to prevent loss
(Ju/Ko)Junpei is confused but won't side with either one and Koromaru supports him
(Ai/Me)Aigis has not decided yet, and Metis only wants to protect Aigis
so it was a 2 against 2 battle royal! but of course, it's more like a gauntlet instead... coz in the 1st match, Ai/Me were up against Ak/Ke, so, during this battle, Ju/Ko is not fighting against Yu/Mi, instead, Ai/Me have to fight all one after another, ahaha.
I thought i had to start the whole game over, coz i never trained Metis to be high level enough, and there was no way i cud win against Ak/Ke by myself. Before the battle, Metis immediatelly brings Aigis one door before the arena, so i thought there was no way to go back to the desert of doors to train Metis, but i was wrong, haha, i cud go back... so now i don't have to spend another week playing it all over.
1st battle was Ak/Ke. I used Thunder Reign on Ken, and Metis knocks him down with a physical atk and beats Ken 1st. Then i used ragnarok against Akihiko until i beat him one on one (Metis was knocked out by him). After they were defeated, they turned into flames, and lights up the torches in the arena...
Next was Ju/Ko, they were totally good guys before the match, so sad. Anyways, I used the same tactic and defeat Junpei 1st, Metis was then KO by Koromaru, then i kept using electric atk, and beat the dog. Aigis cudn't take it anymore, and wants to stop and give up, then some stuff happened, then she made up her mind, and then she was prepared to fight Yu/Mi. Ju/Ko turned into flames and light the other torches too
Last was Yu/Mi, before the match, yukari seemed very sarcastic and evil by the way she talk, prolly because the bgm supports it, but she means well, mitsuru didn't say anything much. I used the same tactic also, haha, and defeat yukari 1st, her hp was not long, so she was KO in the 2nd round, then left was Mitsuru. When her hp was low enough for one last atk, she used 'mind focus', so then i used thunder reign to finish her, but it was blocked by some kind of shield skill! and when it was her turn, her mabufudyne KO both Ai/Me. woah, i can't believe it! i then load the game, and beat them without any difficulties. swt!
yeah, after that the keys combined into one, and everyone turned back to normal, but yukari still won't give up, and tries to snatch the key, but it was useless since she lost, then she started crying and bla bla bla, i typed long enough here, and i've just beat the game, so go find out on ur own to see what happen, muahahaha!
Oh, i love the bgm during the battle against them... it had a sad & determine tune, lovely!